Press release 01/2022
Altenberge/Göttingen 03.02.2022
The Teaching Kitchen Collaborative (TKC) is a leading invitational network of educational, research, and community organizations with teaching kitchens to be used to enhance personal and public health
„We are pleased to inform you that the TKC membership has voted to invite you to join the TKC!“ wrote Rachel Bartlett, Member Services Lead at the TKC in her letter confirming that Culinary Medicine Germany e.V. (CMG) in cooperation with the Institute for Nutrition and Psychology at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen University Medical Center was formally accepted into the TKC
Effective January 1, 2022 CMG will set landmarks for development, research and collaboration of innovative teaching kitchens in Germany and bring this expertise into the TKC committees to foster global recognition for the future of nutrition-, health- and sustainability education by the means of practical courses in a teaching kitchen environment.
“Increased interest in the TKC follows what we’re seeing across global food and health systems: an imperative need to shift towards preventative health, access to healthy food, and the ability to inspire large-scale behavior change,” said Christine Hamann, Director of the TKC. “We are thrilled to have Culinary Medicine Germany, leaders of this movement in Europe, join the TKC and fuel our collective ability to change these systems.”
Executive Director of the TKC, David M. Eisenberg, M.D., said: “It’s very exciting to receive confirmation, from colleagues such as yourselves from outside the US, that the Teaching Kitchen Collaborative has sparked new ideas along with the desire to build sustainable, international collaborations. This was, and remains, our principal intention!” CMG did join renowned organizations including Cleveland Clinic, UCLA, Northwestern University, Google Inc., the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Stanford University, Kaiser Permanente, the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition (BCFN) Foundation and others in the collaborative.
Culinary Medicine Germany e.V. already runs a couple of teaching kitchen projects in Germany. The actual focus is on medical students and medical doctors as they are very important multiplicators for personal, community and planetary health. CMG in cooperation with the Institute for Nutrition and Psychology at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen University Medical Center developed an elective in culinary medicine for medical students to improve the counselling competencies of physicians in nutrition and lifestyle medicine and to improve collaboration with registered dietitians.
Medical students in the clinical part of their studies learn in 7 x 3-hour modules the theoretical basics of clinical nutrition based on the German scientific consensus paper “Manual of Nutritional Therapy in Patient Care” (LEKuP)“ published in 2019 Disease-related nutrition recommendations were translated into corresponding recipes and dishes that are prepared by the students in the teaching kitchen and then transferred into supervised, practical case studies. The elective is currently evaluated in a multi-center research project together with the universities of Gießen and Brandenburg. The university of Bonn will join the consortium in April of 2022.
Research also is accompanied by six doctoral thesis’ work in progress.
“Culinary Medicine represents a new method of translating the findings of food and nutrition science and medicine into the everyday living world of patients without sacrificing pleasure of life and thus optimizing the success of patient counselling,“ says PD Dr. med. Thomas Ellrott, scientific director of the project at CMG and head of the Institute for Nutrition and Psychology at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen University Medical Center.
CMG also started to develop a teaching kitchen curriculum open to all students at the University of Göttingen as part of the university’s key qualifications program. Another teaching kitchen approach is the implementation of cooking classes into the healthy campus initiative to improve health and sustainability for students, staff and faculty at the University of Göttingen.
Every second year a large interactive teaching kitchen booth is run by CMG at the Expo of Ideas (IdeenExpo), Europe’s largest education fair for GenZ. In addition, CMG offers multi-perspective science shows for the community named »T to the power of 3« (the first name of all protagonists is Thomas), that bring together a 3-michelin-star chef, a medical doctor and a physicist who can perfectly explain the physics and chemistry of cooking.
The TKC’s mission is to catalyze and empower a growing network of innovators changing lives through food. The TKC was formally launched in 2016 by Dr. David Eisenberg, in partnership with The Culinary Institute of America and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, as an invitational network of thought leading organizations using teaching kitchen facilities as catalysts of enhanced personal and public health across medical, corporate, school, and community settings. In 2020, the TKC became a 501c3 and is now a global network of 45 teaching kitchens, including the newly admitted Culinary Medicine Germany e.V. Its members span an organizational range from leading academic medical centers, to public youth services institutions, to private employers, to public libraries. The TKC functions as a connective hub and accelerator to support the reproducibility, scalability, and evaluation of emerging teaching kitchen models and educational programs.
“We are really happy to become the first German member of the global TKC network”, says Uwe Neumann, CEO of CMG, “and want to especially thank the TKC member Wendy Slusser and her team from the Semel Healthy Campus Initiative Center and the David Geffen School of Medicine at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) for giving us the opportunity to learn, exchange and collaborate!”
The teaching kitchen projects of Culinary Medicine Germany e.V. are supported by the Rut- and Klaus-Bahlsen-Foundation, Hannover/Germany, and by internal study quality resources of the Georg-August-University of Göttingen University Medical Center.
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Media Inquiries / Contacts
PD Dr. med. Thomas Ellrott
Director of the Institute for Nutrition and Psychology at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen University Medical Center
Humboldtallee 32
D-37073 Göttingen (Germany)
Phone: +49 551 3967500
Uwe Neumann
Sustainability Pedagogue and Health Scientist
Chair of Board Culinary Medicine Germany e. V.
Zur Quelle 2a
D-48341 Altenberge (Germany)
Phone: +49 541 347513-10
Emily Baron
Communications Coordinator
The Teaching Kitchen Collaborative
Further information